American Red Cross: 6 Swim Levels
Use these skill levels to place your child in the appropriate swim lesson level at Orchard Hill Club.
Level 3: Stroke Development
Exit Skills Assessment:
Jump into chest-deep water from side, swim Front crawl for 15 yards w/ face in the water and rhythmic Breathing pattern (front or side), maintain position by treading or floating for 30 seconds and swim back crawl 15 yards.
Level 4: Stroke Improvement
Exit Skills Assessment:
1) Perform a feet-first entry into chest-deep water, Swim front crawl for 25 yards, maintain position on back 1 minute in deep water (float or sculling) and swim elementary backstroke for 15 yards.
2) Swim breaststroke for 15 yards, tread water for 1 minute and swim back crawl for 25 yards.
Level 5: Stroke Refinement
Exit Skills Assessment:
1) Perform a shallow dive into deep water, swim front crawl for 50 yards, maintain position on back for 2 minutes in deep water (float or scull) and swim elementary backstroke for 25 yards.
2) Swim breaststroke for 25 yards, tread water for 2 minutes and swim back crawl for 50 yards.
Level 6: Fitness Swimmer
Exit skill 1: Swim 500 yards continuously using the strokes in the following order: front crawl, 100 yards; back crawl, 100 yards; breaststroke, 50 yards; elementary backstroke, 50 yards; sidestroke 50 yards; butterfly, 50 yards; and choice of stroke, 100 yards.
Exit skill 2: Perform the Cooper 12-minute swim test, and compare results with the pre-assessment results.