First, please welcome back our professional tennis coach, Quin Howe. Quin played Division I college tennis for Central Connecticut State University. After graduation he lived in Florida and taught at the Nick Bollitieri Tennis Academy at Flamingo Park, and the North Shore Tennis Academy in North Miami Beach, and also coached nationally and internationally ranked juniors. Quin is currently the Club Director at the Glastonbury Tennis Club, as well as the Tennis Director at Glastonbury Hills Country Club.
Quin, along with his coaching staff, will run all the tennis lessons and tennis team practices. Lessons run 1 week at a time.
OHC has 2 clay courts and 1 hard-tru court, all 3 of which are lighted for nighttime play. Outside of lesson/tennis team times, and when there are no private lessons, the courts are available to members for general use during open club hours and while not in use for private lessons. There are no additional fees for this, but signups will be required in order to accommodate private lessons or additional clinics. A signup will be posted here shortly.
Tennis Lessons
2024 Youth Group Tennis Lessons
Session 1: June 17 - June 21
Session 2: June 24 - June 28
Session 3: July 1 - July 5
Session 4: July 8 - July 12
Session 5: July 15 - July 19
Session 6: July 22 - July 26
Lesson times:
Ages 11 and up: 11:00 - 12:00pm
Ages 9-10: 9:00 - 10:00am
Ages 5 - 8: 10:00 - 10:45am
$10 per session, per child ($20 max per family)
Kids must bring their own tennis racquet and a water bottle.
PRIVATE Tennis Lessons
Private child, adult or group lessons are available upon request directly to Quin Howe (text 860-690-7202 or email qparkhurst@gmail.com) who will coordinate the time and fee involved.

Tennis Team
Our Tennis Team trains 5 days per week and competes with other clubs and teams in the area as well as at an end of season intra club tournament. Tennis Team is open for members aged 10 and older. Tennis Team tryouts are used to determine whether the child will be on JV or Varsity. The coaches will have to make cuts only if more than 32 kids tryout .
Team practice is Monday-Friday throughout the same weeks as lessons occur, but team practice will occur in the afternoons, as lessons are in the morning. Tennis matches are held against the 6 other tennis teams in Glastonbury and are typically held on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Team players will have the opportunity to practice and play in both single and doubles matches.
The 2024 Tennis Team will run from June 17 - July 26, more details to come!
$30 per player ($60 maximum per family)
Age Groups:
Junior Team: Ages 10 – 12
Varsity Team: Ages 12 and over
Practice Times:
Varsity Practice: 1:00 - 2:00pm
JV Practice: 2:00 - 3:00pm
Match Schedule:
Varsity all 1 - 3:30:
June 27th @ Mill Pond
July 2 @ GTC
July 9 @ Minnechaug
July 11 @ Pine Acres
July 16 @ Woodledge
July 18 @ Pinebrook
JV all 1-3:30:
June 27 @ Pine Acres
July 2 @ Pine Acres
July 9 @ Pinebrook
July 16 @ GTC
July 18 @ Woodledge
2024 League Rules and Regulations:
1. The matches will be approximately from 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. on the dates provided.
2. The teams hosting the match will provide 6 cans of new balls. Orchard Hill will provide balls for all their matches since they are not able to host any home matches.
3. The matches will consist of 6 singles matches and 3 doubles matches. The top 6 players will play an eight-game pro set of singles (no-ad). At 7-all, play a 12 point tiebreaker. Players 7 through 12 will play doubles, also an eight game pro set (no-ad).
4. For JV matches - players can play both singles and doubles—one set with tie-breaker at 5-All (Recommended). No-ad scoring.
5. For cancellation of a match, please let the opposing pro know by 11:00 a.m.
6. If bad weather, the pros will discuss it in the morning and try to reschedule a match on a Monday or Wednesday during July, or during the match make-up day the week of Championships.
7. REMINDER: Players will be eligible for play and champs if they turn 18 before August 1st. This is to give high school students a final summer of play before college.
8. Paid workers/assistants MAY play in the league, so long as their paid work is NOT with the players of the varsity team that they are playing on. In other words, a player may NOT be paid to coach varsity players and play on that same team. Absolutely no repeating players during Varsity matches.
9. Singles players must play singles, doubles players must play doubles. 1 match per player.
10. Ghost matches of any kind are encouraged to get players as much experience as possible.
11. JV Matches do not follow the same list of match rules. Coach’s choice for all JV matches including match setup and length.
12. In order to play in champs, each player must have played in at least two regular season matches. Each coach is responsible for tracking their players to ensure this rule is followed.
GLASTONBURY TENNIS CLUB (GTC) : 228 Oak Street, Glastonbury
MILL POND: 20 Browning Ave., Newington
MINNECHAUG: 980 Manchester Rd., Glastonbury
PINE ACRES: Crest St., Wethersfield, From the Putnam Bridge, take Rt. 3 S to Silas Deane Highway and turn right. **Take Silas Deane to the next light and turn left onto Welles Rd. At 4-way stop and blinking light, turn right onto Ridge Rd. Take Ridge Rd. to Crest Street and turn right. Club is at the bottom of Crest Street. **From Rte 84 Take 91 South and take exit 25 Rt 3 toward Wethersfield and follow to Silas Deane.
PINEBROOK: 252 Forest Lane, Glastonbury
WOODLEDGE: 1005 Hopewell Rd., South Glastonbury